My aim as a private teacher is actually to form in my scholars a thorough perception and confidence at tests and being capable to handle unfamiliar cases. My philosophy is actually based on the concept that learning develops in an atmosphere of mutual appreciation wherein the scholar is encouraged to think and find links on their own. My practical experience has been that individual training has a unique benefit to learners due to the ability to resolve the students' own restraints to study in a way that lays the foundations for a lengthy and deep perception of the subject matter.
Analytic thinking
My approach varies depending on the student's learning style and needs. However, the base of my teaching approach is encouraging children to think for themselves, employing real-world situations whenever it can be. |My opinion is that it is extremely important to provide students with a working skills and to develop analytical skills for building upon this knowledge. Training a person to think critically is at the fundamental of what a child should really take away off any subject program.
The most important contribution
The most lasting contributions a teacher are able to make is mentoring students, and it is a procedure, that I consider to be enjoyable and rewarding. From my practice, I found out the importance of engaging students with the help of examples and of pitching content at a degree that implies comprehension though not necessarily knowledge, mixing the unknown with the known within a synthesis which brings the child the feeling of probability rather than that of impossibility that impressive and formal approaches can inflict.
My teaching tricks
I begin with themes the students are good with and proceed increasingly to more complex areas as their self-esteem is being grown. I work with examples and questions to make sure getting constantly. I never lecture to students or tell them to remember things. Neither do I accomplish the students' home tasks for them!
I normally involve exam-style or last paper questions in order to evaluate, practice and refine the learner's accepting and capacity. I even give a lot of attention to many of the not so vital but obvious skills for instance, logical thought, essay technique and structure, and the efficient use of numbers and graphs.